My Story
Why Scentsy?
My favorite thing I love to do is to be with my family and sit and tell stories of different memories we have. Whether it be from a family vacation we went on to watching a movie at home together.
Memories will last a lifetime and I love to help create memories with my family. I want my grandchildren to be able to share with their children and grandchildren all the different memories they were able to make thanks to Scentsy.
Memories are why I do Scentsy. I get to create memories for myself of all the fun times of traveling and all the people I meet. I get to make memories of my home. The scents that I warm that remind me of times from the past or will remind those in my life of today one day. All the memories that I get to create with my family on family vacations that Scentsy helps me provide for them.
Let me help you make memories
Patti Parker
Independent Scentsy Superstar Consultant